Tools for Time Management

March 11, 2023|Prepaze Academy

Tools for Time Management

High school is hard! There’s no getting around it. Between juggling different classes and teachers, and then different expectations and projects, how is a student supposed to do it all? Time management and support are key.
There are a variety of time management tools that can be helpful for students. Here are some popular ones:

Calendar apps: many students find it helpful to use a digital calendar to keep track of their schedule. Some popular calendar apps include Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and Outlook. Of course, these apps don’t work unless the student makes them work- just like a planner may rest, unopened, in the bottom of one’s backpack, even the fanciest of apps may be useless if it isn’t utilized and updated properly. Make it a habit with reminders! Try one for a week and see if it works for you. 

To-do list apps: to-do list apps can be helpful for breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Some popular to-do list apps include Todoist,, and Trello. If you’re not sure how this works, ask a Prepaze tutor! They’ll help you find the right starting point for any project.

Pomodoro timers: the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves breaking work into 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between. There are many Pomodoro timer apps available, such as Focus@Will, Forest, and PomoDone. The Forest app plants trees for every user!

Time-tracking apps: time-tracking apps can help students get a better sense of how they are spending their time. Some popular time-tracking apps include RescueTime, Toggl, and Clockify. Try using it for a week and track your time without changing any habits and you’ll be surprised by what you actually spend your time doing!

Whiteboard or chalkboard: a physical whiteboard or chalkboard can be a useful tool for visualizing deadlines, assignments, and schedules. Some students like having a big calendar tacked up on the wall, or a physical planner where the pages can be ripped out with satisfaction. However, just like the apps, these only work as long as one does the work: they have to be updated, as does any other tool, to make them useful.

Time management books: while not a time management tool, per se, reading books on time management and productivity can be a helpful way for students to learn new strategies and techniques. Some popular time management books include "Getting Things Done" by David Allen, "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, and "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. “Atomic Habits” in particular comes with worksheets and actionable advice that one can implement immediately!

Ultimately, the most effective time management tools will depend on the individual student and their specific needs and preferences. It may be helpful to try out a few different tools and methods to see what works best! Tutors can help assess the different needs and give their own advice as well as show what works and doesn’t work for them. They can also follow up with students, at the academic center or online, and make sure that the tools are being used continuously!