High School Programs

ChemistryTutors in Dublin, Pleasanton, San Ramon, and Livermore: Online & In-person Options

Our Chemistry courses teach about the fundamental concepts of chemistry such as structure and states of matter, intermolecular forces, reactions, and how to use chemical calculations to solve problems. The students are encouraged to work in groups and get actively involved in classroom discussions. The course also prepares the kids for the AP chemistry test and provides additional practice materials.

What you'll learn

Unit 1 - Learn about the purpose and application of chemistry, matter, lab protocols, scientific notation, operations with scientific notation, conversions, data analysis, and dimensional analysis.

Unit 2 - Learn about the characteristics and properties of different forms of matter, physical and chemical changes, the periodic table, compounds, the organization of an atom, and electron configuration.

Unit 3 - Learn about ionic and covalent bonding, naming ionic and covalent bonds, and the strengths of different types of bonds.

Unit 4 - Learn to name binary molecular compounds and acids, and how to form Lewis Dot Structures.

Unit 5 - Learn about the concept of VSEPR, electronegativity, polarity, balancing chemical equations, chemical reactions, and the difference between reactions in water and reactions in the air.

Unit 6 - Learn about the unit of measurement of a mole, conversions moles and particles, mole ratios in compounds, molar mass calculations, percent composition, and the formation of molecular and empirical formulas.

Unit 7 - Learn to perform stoichiometric calculations, and utilize mole to mole, mole to mass, mass to mole, and mass to mass ratios.

Unit 8 - Learn about the unique properties and behaviors of gases, the kinetic molecular theory, Dalton’s Laws of Partial Pressures, and intermolecular forces (IMFs).

Unit 9 - Learn about the laws specific to gases from Boyle, Charles, and Gay-Lussac, and have a special focus on the Ideal and Combined gas laws.

Unit 10 - Learn about the similarities and differences between homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures, various forms of calculating concentrations, molarity, molality, dilution, and solubility rules.

Unit 11 - Learn about acids and bases, the strengths of acids, ionization constants, pH calculations, neutralization reactions, as well as various forms of solutions.

Class Highlights

  • Thousands of practice problems and worksheets
  • Confidence-building, expert teachers
  • Excellent preparation for school classwork and assessments
  • Teacher-recommended curriculum and workbooks
  • Interactive, all-inclusive online practice platform included for free
  • Support students to gain independence in their education
  • Applications of chemistry
  • Atom organization and electron configuration
  • Ionic and covalent bonds
  • Lewis dot structures
  • Periodic trends
  • Electronegativity and polarity
  • Mole measurements and calculations
  • Gas laws and behaviors
  • Homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures
  • Acids and bases
Group ClassPrivate Class
Class Starts:


Course Duration:

75 mins

Class Schedule:

Once a week, Mon-Fri


$165.00 (Monthly)

  • Passionate and friendly teachers

  • Engaging classroom activities

  • Confidence boosting practical problem solving

  • School-recommended curriculum and workbooks