High School Programs

BiologyTutors in Morrisville, Cary, and Apex: Online & In-person Options

Our Biology course provides support on understanding key science practices and develops advanced reasoning and inquiry skills. The students are encouraged to work in groups and get actively involved in classroom discussions. The course also prepares the kids for the AP Biology test and provides additional practice materials.

What you'll learn

Unit 1 - Learn about the concept of VSEPR, electronegativity, polarity, balancing chemical equations, chemical reactions, and the difference between reactions in water and reactions in the air.

Unit 2 - Learn about the unit of measurement of a mole, conversions moles and particles, mole ratios in compounds, molar mass calculations, percent composition, and the formation of molecular and empirical formulas.

Unit 3 - Learn to perform stoichiometric calculations, and utilize mole to mole, mole to mass, mass to mole, and mass to mass ratios.

Unit 4 - Learn about the part of a cell, including cell walls, cell membranes, solution strengths, osmosis, and diffusion, as well as active and passive transports within a cell.

Unit 5 - Learn about the history of photosynthesis, photosynthesis rates and equations, the equation for cellular respiration, chlorophyll, and pigments.

Unit 6 - Learn about mitosis, cell division, the impacts of diseases like cancer on cells, asexual vs. sexual reproduction, cytokinesis, and the cell cycle.

Unit 7 - Learn about the history of biologist Gregor Mendel, his contributions to the field of genetics, human traits, fertilization, polygenic and single gene traits, and sex-linked genetic disorders.

Unit 8 - Learn about the history of DNA, unique DNA characteristics and shapes, replication, RNA, genetic code, mutations, and genetic modifications.

Unit 9 - Learn the history of Charles Darwin, evolution, the history of evolution, natural selection, and the causes of population changes.

Class Highlights

  • Thousands of practice problems and worksheets
  • Confidence-building, expert teachers
  • Excellent preparation for school classwork and assessments
  • Teacher-recommended curriculum and workbooks
  • Interactive, all-inclusive online practice platform included for free
  • Support students to gain independence in their education
  • Organization of life
  • Cell part and structure
  • Monomers and polymers
  • History and applications of photosynthesis
  • DNA and RNA
  • Genetic mutations and modifications
  • Evolution and population changes
Group ClassPrivate Class
Class Starts:


Course Duration:

75 mins

Class Schedule:

Once a week, Mon-Fri


$165.00 (Monthly)

  • Passionate and friendly teachers

  • Engaging classroom activities

  • Confidence boosting practical problem solving

  • School-recommended curriculum and workbooks