Grade 8 Programs

Grade 8 - Math

This course focuses on formulating expressions and equations, understanding and applying functions, analyzing two dimensional and three-dimensional spaces, and learn to apply the Pythagorean theorem.

Class Highlights

  • Thousands of practice problems and worksheets
  • Confidence-building, expert teachers
  • Excellent preparation for school classwork and assessments
  • Teacher-recommended curriculum and workbooks
  • Interactive, all-inclusive online practice platform included for free
  • Support students to gain independence in their education
  • Linear functions
  • Solving systems of linear equations
  • Slope
  • Functions and function tables
  • Distance and angles
  • Parallel lines and transversals
  • Pythagorean theorem
Group ClassPrivate Class
Class Starts:


Course Duration:

75 mins

Class Schedule:

Once a week, Mon-Fri

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  • Passionate and friendly teachers

  • Engaging classroom activities

  • Confidence boosting practical problem solving

  • School-recommended curriculum and workbooks

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